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Living Quarter Horse Trailer How To Video Tutorials

Living Quarter Horse Trailer How To Video Tutorials

Here are some instructional videos for Living Quarter Horse Trailers

Transcripts for the videos:

Water & Power Hook Ups for Horse Trailers with Living Quarters Water 

Hello and thank you for purchasing your 2025 Merhow (Living Quarter Horse Trailer). I wanted to go over a few of the key points of interest on this trailer. So for starters we need to find our shore cord connection which is going to be located on the driver's side of this trailer. Right here you have your shore core connection which is where you're going to plug in so that all the stuff that runs off 110 is going to work, I.E. the refrigerator, the air conditioners, all your outlets, the TV.

Down here you have your city water connection. This is where you're going to plug your hose in. It'll run off the pressure of * the hose you're plugged in to. This is your sanitize so you can flush out your tank.

Here we have all of our termination valves so we have our wastewater holding tank, we have our city water holding tank. You're going to be able to attach a hose pull the termination valves down here to empty the tanks.

On the other side of the trailer we're going to have our city water connection. So right here is our fresh water, this is where we're going to fill the tanks so that uh you can run it off your water pump if you're hooked up somewhere where you do not have the ability to plug into city water.

Essential Systems for Horse Trailers with Living Quarters Water

Hey and so now you have your propane tanks. You got two of them obviously. We need to open the one we plan on using which is turning to the left and then you have your selector valve here to go in between whichever one you're using. So if we want to use this tank we're going to turn this handle and then turn the Valve selector valve to that direction.

There's a few key points of interest on the outside of your trailer. This one here is on the passenger side it's your hot water tank access door. There's a few things you want to look at inside here.  This one here is your pressure relief valve. If you're never not sure if you have water in this trailer all you need to do is lift up on that.  If water comes out then you know for sure you got water in your tank. Down here at the bottom you have your anode rod which is also doubles as the low Point drain for the hot water tank. So yeah if you ever have any issues those are your two ideas there.

As mentioned before you have your exterior 110 Outlets. Over here you have your furnace exhaust and whenever you light your furnace if you do not know if it's working.  If you come out here put your hand on it if you can feel heat coming off then you know for sure the furnace is lit.

On the other side of the trailer I believe in the slide out you're going to have your refrigerator vent.  The refrigerator vent is right here.  *You can use a dime, you can use a car key, you can use anything to turn these, there is going to be a pilot light in here that you'll be able to tell if it's lit.  Whenever you're doing it, if you don't hear anything running from here or you don't hear a pilot light running then you know for sure you still have a refrigerator issue.

Interior Functions for Horse Trailers with Living Quarters Water

All right, inside the LQ, a few things we need to look at. Over here is our thermostat, which is going to run the vast majority of all of our items inside. So right here, you have your turn-on button. Your very first option is 'fan'; you can set that to low or high. Then we have 'cool,' which is going to be your AC; you can set that again to high or low.

Next up, we have our heat. You can see here the first selection is 'electric heat'; that's going to be your heat strip. Hit it again, and you have gas, which is going to be your furnace. Then you're back to 'off.'

After that, we need to light our hot water tank, which is controlled right here. You can see where it says 'hot water'; it has gas. This one does not have an electric option, so gas is the only way. We also have our water pump switch here, so you can turn the water pump on if you're using the trailer off of fresh water.

You have your awning switches for the lights, your slide-out controls, and your awning controls. Lastly, over here, we have the refrigerator. You've got your on/off button right here. When the button is in the out position, it will have to run on propane. If it's in the in position, it'll default between electric and gas. It'll always default to electric first because it's obviously a little more efficient. If not, it'll switch to gas. If there's ever an issue and it doesn't want to light, you will get this check light. I believe there's also a beep that will happen, and you'll know there's something to look at.

Winterization for Horse Trailers with Living Quarters Water

All right, lastly, when it comes time to winterize your trailer, you're going to need to come to your hot water tank, which is right here underneath your sink. You're going to have two valves that need to be turned. One is going to be right here on top, and the other one is going to be right here down below. Once you turn those two valves, that will stop water from being able to enter your hot water tank.

Your next step is to come back out here and pull this plug at the bottom to make sure there's no water in the hot water tank. Then, we need to do the low-point drains on our fresh tank so that there's no water in there, which are these two valves right underneath here.

Lastly, we need to draw in antifreeze. This is going to be underneath your cabinet just inside the door. You have your line to withdraw antifreeze, and right here you have a valve that will select so the freshwater pump will draw out of this tube instead of the tank. You'll put this down into a bottle of antifreeze, then open the valves on your sink and run it until pink comes out. You'll come back here, turn the valves on your bathroom sink, and run until you get pink. Same deal in the shower, same deal with the toilet.


Trailer Tire Maintenance

All right, guys, when you're dealing with tires, a couple of things you want to evaluate. The first one's going to be your date code. It'll be a four-digit number. This one, in particular, is 3623, meaning that this tire was made in the 36th week of 2023. You also want to make sure you have proper inflation, which is written right here on this tire at 110 PSI.

I also want you to check for tire wear. You should feel even wear all the way across. If you have wear on the inside or the outside, it's probably time to bring it into our service department to have us take a look at it. You also want to look out for flat spots, any kind of obstructions, or any bulges in the tire.

Any other questions, feel free to give us a call at 330-538-7403.